® with Dr. Ezzie Spencer

066 - New Website ! Body of Work

Ezzie Spencer

I'm so excited to share my new website!

You know how when you look back at life and suddenly all the steps along the way make perfect sense? Jo ChunYan created a gorgeous cosmic visual reflection of that: past, present and future.

Check out the new here.

You can link to the three individual websites of my body of work from the above “temple” site. Clarity around my coherent body of work emerged through working with the wonderful Pamela Slim.

I share all in depth on today's podcast!

Oh also, check out these announcements on this podcast episode:  

  • the revamped program coming soon: pure magic!
  • Unconscious Vows/Splinters workshop on 4 May: join interest list.
  • brand new Lunar Abundance creations: say what?!

xo Ezzie


P.S. I recently sat with Kylie Patchett on her brilliant show. She's an intuitive interviewer and I shared the back story of my body of work there too: big initiations, vision, mission. Listen in here.


* Postscript: after 5 beautiful years, flourishing self-love, many engagements and babies! - the® program has drawn to a conclusion.


Music composed and produced by Nathaniel Koenig ©