® with Dr. Ezzie Spencer

060 - "When Do I Unmatch Them?"

Ezzie Spencer

In my private client work:

… we unearth any blockages to self-worth in romantic relationships (return to unconditional love and self-acceptance),

… we release any Unconscious Vows that may be preventing us from turning our Heartlight on, allowing our feminine essence and magic to shine out to catch the attention of gorgeous, appropriate suitors …

… and we enjoy squeals of delight as we spin the wheel of love in real time, with dating profile and texting reviews in real time (gold).

Love is inevitable with this powerful trifecta!

Today’s episode is about the third part of the trifecta:

Modern online dating etiquette!

This is a super practical episode with tips to stop the second-guessing and put your mind at ease, create a powerful dating technique that works for you, plus communication scripts.

When do you unmatch someone? 

And how to do it in an elegant, graceful fashion? 

Tune in below for insights into the weird language of virtual dating. 

xo Ezzie

* Postscript: after 5 beautiful years, flourishing self-love, many engagements and babies! - the® program has drawn to a conclusion.


Music composed and produced by Nathaniel Koenig ©